A must have product for your 2009 – 2018 Ford F150 Super Cab is a rear seat release pull. This pull will grant easy access to behind the back seat. Granted, you can get back there without an aftermarket accessory, but it is a bit of a pain and is difficult to locate if you are not opening the driver’s side back seat very often.
The passenger side of the truck has one built in. It allows access to the jack and lug wrench. And when you look back there, there is a little extra room to store a couple of small, non-bulky items. The driver’s side also has some room, especially if you do not have the sound system with the subwoofer behind the seat. Once you add the pull, easy access makes this space that more available.
What fits back there?
Behind my back seats, I have a power inverter, some recovery straps, tire patch, jumper cables, and one or two other items that I don’t use often but am glad to have. It’s also a great place to store a couple of blankets and some snacks. In case you get stuck. You may even fit some hunting gear back there, while keeping it safely out of sight.
What release did I select?
I purchased a Seven Sparta Rear Seat Release from Amazon. It is highly rated and installs in a snap. Anyone who has every turned a screwdriver can install this. With one caveat. You need a Torx T30 driver.

If you are not sure what a Torx screw head looks like, check out this picture. It is six sided but not flat like a hex/Allen head. The six sides curve in towards the center between each point. Torx fasteners are common in automotive applications. A Torx drivers can found and any big box home improvement center or auto parts store. Or on Amazon.
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How easy was it to install?
Very easy. Just a few steps. Here they are
Step 1: Open the driver’s side back seat and fold it down flat.
Step 2: Using your Torx T30 driver, unscrew the latch and remove it. Make sure you save the latch and screws. You will need them for the assembly.
Step 3: Feed the strap through the guide. The strap should move up through the guide. The red clip attached to the strap remains next to the guide.

Step 4: Attach the red clip to the original latch removed in Step 1.

Step 5: Slide the guide so the screw holes in the flat portion line up with the screw holes on the latch. The angled part of the guide should be outside the latch and positioned over the red clip. It will not sit snugly against the clip.

Step 6: Using the original Torx screws, reinstall the latch with the Seven Sparta Seat Release in place. The Torx screws will hold the accessory in place.

Once those screws are tightened down, you are finished.
After only testing is a couple of times, I like this method of accessing behind the back seat. It’s easy and there is no fishing around and struggling to find and active the original, non-user-friendly release.

It does feel like there is a little too much play in the clip. Almost like if you pulled it too hard, the clip could slip right out of the mechanism. But there is no need to pull that hard because the release performed just as advertised. I would recommend this or any other well rated similar product for your F150.